Warranties & Service Contracts
1 Year Subscription Aruba Cen
Aruba Central Cloud Services for 1 Instant AP 1-year Subscription E-STU..
1 Year Subscription Lic Aruba
Aruba SUB1-AW-K12 1-year AirWave 1 Device 1-yr Subscription E-STU..
3 Year Subscription Aruba Cen
Aruba Central Cloud Services for 1 Instant AP 3-year Subscription E-STU..
5 Year Subscription Lic Aruba
Aruba SUB1-AW-K12 1-year AirWave 1 Device 5-yr Subscription E-STU..
Airwave Lic One 1 Device. Inc
Aruba LIC-AW Aruba Airwave with RAPIDS and VisualRF 1 Device License E-LTU..
Cisco 3900 Series Ios Software
FACTORY DIRECT ITEM ONLY Unified Communication Paper PAK for Cisco 3900 Series..
Cisco 3900 Series Ios Software
FACTORY DIRECT ITEM ONLY Security Paper PAK for Cisco 3900 Series..
Context Aware Engine For Clien
Cisco Context Aware Engine for Clients License For 1K Clients..
Ent Feature Lic Bundle That In
Aruba LIC-ENT Enterprise (LIC-AP LIC-PEF LIC-RFP and LIC-AW) Licence Bundle E-LTU..
Feature Lic To Enable Support
Aruba LIC-PEF Controller Policy Enforcement Firewall Per AP License E-LTU..
Feature License Ssl Vpn Up To
FACTORY DIRECT ONLY ITEM Cisco Feature License SSL VPN Up To 10 Users (Incremental)..
Policy Enf Frwll Aruba 7005
Aruba LIC-7005-PEFV Controller Policy Enforcement Firewall for Aruba 7005 Cntrlr License E-LTU..